Stomach WEIGHT LOSS Blandford Forum

Stomach Treatment For Fat Reduction, Toning & Muscle Building For Women 

Stomach Treatment For Women Blandford Forum

Stomach toning for women, Cryolipolysis, EMSCULPT & Aqualyx from LA Lipo Blandford Forum are perfect.

To get a flatter, toned belly we have the perfect solution. 

Stomach toning for women, from LA Lipo Blandford Forum is the perfect solution! 

For Women -
Safely Reshape and Tone Your Stomach without Surgery


Cryolipolysis from LA Lipo Blandford Forum removes the fat cells just under your skin on your abdomen to help you contour and tone your stomach but it is not a cure for obesity.

The process involves a machine that is placed on your skin which cools and freezes specific fat cells under your skin cryogenically while leaving your skin intact.

This procedure does not hurt however you may feel a little cold sensation at first and which then becomes numb.

This process in effect kills off the fat cells which then pass through your body naturally.

When exposed to cold temperatures your body naturally tries to restrict blood flow to that area, however, Cryolipolysis uses a powerful vacuum drawing blood up to the surface layers of your skin.

This has become a very popular nonsurgical alternative to having liposuction.

You may experience a few side effects when having Cryolipolysis Blandford Forum, such as redness on the skin and a little inflammation but this will have been from the vacuum.

There could also possibly be a little bruising and maybe some numbness in some of the areas which are treated.

There is no serious long-lasting side effects and recovery is quick and painless.

Your body is resilient and does not have to recover from the drastic changes that would take place if you were trying the more invasive method of liposuction.

It is a great alternative to getting your stomach smaller, toned and little more defined for when it counts during the summer holidays.

A session in will last between 35 mins and half an hour and you will normally see noticeable results within a month.

It normally takes about 12 weeks to see the full results of the effectiveness of using Cryolipolysis.

One session may be enough with follow up sessions being carried out on problematic areas.

As the procedure is non-medical recovery is minimal and you should be able to carry on with work and other activities straight after the procedure.

Cryolipolysis Blandford Forum is a safe procedure to shape and tone your tummy which could easily be done during your lunch break.

Benefits of EMSCULPT for Women's Stomach


EMSCULPT has a number of benefits for women looking to improve the appearance of their stomach.

Some of the key advantages of this treatment include:

Improved muscle tone:

EMSCULPT can help improve muscle tone in the stomach area, making it look more defined and sculpted.

Reduced fat:

In addition to toning the muscles, EMSCULPT can also help reduce fat in the target area, leading to a slimmer appearance.


Unlike surgical options such as liposuction or tummy tucks, EMSCULPT is a non-invasive treatment that does not require any incisions or downtime.

Quick treatment:

Each EMSCULPT session lasts around 30 minutes, making it a quick and convenient option for busy women.

What to Expect from EMSCULPT Treatment

If you’re considering EMSCULPT for your stomach, it’s important to understand what to expect from the treatment process.

Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect:


Before the treatment, you’ll have a consultation with a trained technician who will assess your suitability for the treatment and discuss your goals.

Treatment sessions:

EMSCULPT treatments typically consist of four sessions spaced two to three days apart.
During each session, the device will be placed on the target area and you will feel intense muscle contractions.
The sensation can be uncomfortable, but should not be painful.


Many women begin to see results from EMSCULPT after just one or two sessions, with full results visible after the final session.

You may experience some muscle soreness following the treatment, but this should subside within a few days.

Benefits of Aqualyx for Women's Stomach


1. Reduce Stubborn Fat:

Aqualyx fat dissolving injections target stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

This makes it an effective treatment for toning and sculpting women’s stomachs, which can be particularly difficult to target with traditional methods.

2. Non-Invasive Procedure:

Aqualyx injections are a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures such as liposuction.

This means there is no downtime or recovery period, allowing women to resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment.

3. Quick and Convenient:

The procedure is relatively quick, taking only 30 minutes per session.

This makes it a convenient option for busy women who may not have the time for extensive surgical procedures.

4. Customizable Treatment:

Aqualyx injections can be tailored to each individual’s needs and desired outcome.

This allows for a personalized approach to achieving a toned and sculpted stomach, taking into consideration factors such as body type and desired results.

5. Safe and FDA Approved:

Aqualyx injections have been extensively tested and are FDA approved, ensuring the safety of the procedure.

It is also a safe option for women who may have medical conditions that make them ineligible for surgery.

6. Long-Lasting Results:

The effects of Aqualyx injections are long-lasting, making it a cost-effective option compared to other temporary solutions such as fillers or fat freezing treatments.

7. Boosts Confidence:

Achieving a toned and sculpted stomach can greatly improve self-confidence in women, allowing them to feel more comfortable in their own skin.

Overall, Aqualyx fat dissolving injections offer numerous benefits for toning and sculpting women’s stomachs without the need for surgery or extensive downtime.

Consult with a qualified practitioner to determine if this treatment is suitable for you and achieve the toned stomach you’ve always wanted.

Customer Reviews

Simple and fast loved it!
Blandford Forum
Emsculpt was a short 2 week course and I loved the home based treatment I could just do the treatment after work - super simple but majorly effective so happy!
Blandford Forum
I was amazed by the precision of the fat dissolving injections. Dealing with a stubborn muffin top had always been a source of distress for me, but within just a few weeks, it has nearly vanished. I couldn't be happier with the results!
Blandford Forum